Intellectual Property Services

Trademark Registration India

Unlock the Power of Your Brand with Trademark Registration - Your Key to Intellectual Property Rights! As an entrepreneur, your brand is not just a name; it is the culmination of your creativity, hard work, and vision. It could be worth 10X your turnover. Whether it's a captivating logo, an unforgettable slogan, or an iconic mascot, these elements are the cornerstone of your brand's identity and reputation. Secure this invaluable asset with Trademark Registration and gain the exclusive rights to use, monetize, and protect your unique business name, brand, logo, label, caption, tagline and trade dress against imitation and misuse. With Trademark Registration, you're not just claiming a piece of the market; you're building a fortress around your brand's legacy. Affordable, essential, and incredibly powerful, registering your trademark transforms it from a mere symbol into a valuable asset that can be sold, licensed, or even mortgaged. Don’t let your brand's potential go unprotected. Invest in Trademark Registration today and cement your position in the industry with ironclad intellectual property rights. Remember, a registered trademark isn’t just a mark of authenticity—it’s the guardian of your brand’s future.

3 Easy steps for Filing trademark application in India

    Step 1
  • Coin or select a Distinctive Trademark
  • Check that your Trademark can be Registered
  • Make necessary changes to the brand name or logo
  • Select all necessary classes with a description of goods and services
    Step 2
  • Fill data sheet and return
  • Send copy of Partnership deed, Copy of Resolution passed, Incorporation certificate
  • Send copy of logo as jpeg, tiff or PDF
  • Send User proof if you are already using a mark and user date is to be claimed
    Step 3
  • Sign, Seal & return Specific Power of Authority to TM attorney to file
  • Pay Official & Professional charges at the time of entrusting the work
  • Await Trademark application number

The Trademark Registration process does, however, involve some time and effort. It needs to be handled by experienced Trademark Attorneys. The minimum time taken to Register Trademark is 6 months and may take even a few years in some cases.

Trademark Registration Stages in India

Stage 1

Filing of Application
Application Number Allotment

Stage 2

Formalities Check Pass/ Fail
Vienna Codification of marks


Stage 3

Substantive Examination & Issuance of Examination Report
Clearing Objections
Show Cause Hearing

Stage 4

Acceptance & Advertisement in Journal or Refusal
Await Oppositions from third parties for 4 months


Stage 5

Registration in case of no opposition
In case of Opposition file Counter, evidence, Opposition Hearings
Refusal of Application or Registration of Application

Stage 6

In case of Refusal Appeal to Commercial court

For more information please refer TM Flow Chart or call for clarifications on 0 92070 99990

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a Trademark/ Service Mark?

Trademark consists of a visible Brand name, Brand mark, Business name, Logo, Label, Tagline /Slogan,Trade dress, Composite mark which is a combination of Logo, trade name and a tagline, Jingle/sound mark, Smell/Olfactory mark, Ticket, Coupon, Colour mark, Shape and 3D marks, Pattern marks, Titles, Numerals, Person name, Surnames and Initials, Mascots and Characters, Position marks etc. A person who sells his goods or service under a particular trademark acquires the limited exclusive right to use the mark in relation to his goods and services. Such a right is acquired by use and is recognized as a form of property in the Trademark. Jewellery brand, clothing brand, drinking water brands, medicine brands are examples

Service mark is the same as Trademark except that it is for Services. Hospital brands, Hotel brands, Builders trade names are examples.

Under modern business conditions, a trademark performs four functions:

  • It identifies the product/service and its origin.
  • It guarantees its unchanged quality
  • It advertises the product or services, and
  • It increases the credibility of your brand or business.

The main object of trademark registration is to protect the goodwill and business reputation and also to protect the consumers from deception

Is registration of trademark compulsory?

Imagine constructing your dream enterprise, brick by brand brick, only to realize your foundation rests on the sands of vulnerability. Operating without a Trademark is akin to erecting a magnificent edifice on unauthorized terrain – your efforts, investments, and visionary branding, all teetering precariously without the shield of legality. While navigating the labyrinth of business legitimacy, the question arises – Is the registration of a trademark compulsory? It’s a pivotal query with a straightforward answer: No, it's not compulsory, but it is undeniably Essential. In a realm where your Brand Name or Business Identity is your unique bastion, leaving it unregistered is akin to leaving your vault open. With a Trademark registration, your mark, tagline, or brand name isn’t just a nebulous concept but a legally protected asset. This enables you to own, transfer, mortgage, and, most critically, shield your intellectual land against marauders of innovation. Embrace the Essential; safeguard your creative endeavor with the impenetrable armor of Trademark registration. Because in the grand narrative of business wars, it’s not just about the battles you win, but also about the fortresses you fortify.

What are the benefits of Trademark registration?

Trademarks help protect your brand, prevent confusion among consumers, and provide legal protection against unauthorized use of your brand.

  • Your Trademark is your most valuable business asset. You need to register it so that you can own, license, sell, or mortgage it later. Only a legally protected trademark will hold value.
  • Imagine a situation where your Trademark is copied by someone for their commercial benefit purposefully or unknowingly and thereby destroying the goodwill and reputation earned by you; or
  • Imagine a situation where your trademark/ phonetically or visually similar mark is copied and used by your competitor. Further, him registering his trademark prior to you and asking you to stop using your trademark by procuring a temporary or permanent injunction from District Court or High Court saying that your mark is identical or similar to his/her mark; or
  • Imagine a situation where you have to pay compensation or royalty for using Trademark for your business to your competitor.
  • Imagine a situation where your customers/truck drivers/ tax enforcement officers getting confused because another firm or brand exists with similar or identical name                                                                                                                  So you can escape from these imminent dangers by identifying, protecting, managing, and enforcing your intellectual property at the commencement of business itself. Like any other physical property/real estate, your intellectual property/intangible assets need to be protected and guarded against encroachment by properly guarding it ie. by way of registration and enforcement of your intellectual property otherwise your investment of time, money, and resources will be wasted and another person will utilize it to their advantage. In the realm of business, your Trademark is the crown jewel. Guard it wisely. Act now; the next chapter of your brand's legacy depends on it.

How do I register a trademarks in India?

You need to file an application with the Trademark Registry, including details about the trademark and the goods/services it represents.

Why should you consider filing your Trademarks at the earliest?

Why gamble with the future of your brand when you can secure it today? In the bustling marketplace where your brand's identity is its most valuable asset, safeguarding it becomes not just a priority, but a necessity. Imagine constructing a towering edifice, your dream venture, but on shifting sands. That’s precisely what building a brand without the bedrock of trademark registration amounts to. Remember, once your brand's goodwill and reputation are compromised, the path to reclaiming your standing is steep and fraught with challenges. With more than 6 million trademarks already vying for recognition in India, and thousands more added to the queue daily, the landscape is both crowded and competitive. The longer you wait, the denser the forest grows, making it increasingly difficult to stake your unique claim. With a processing time ranging from 6 months to a year, delay could mean not just compromising the distinctiveness of your brand but potentially entangling it in costly legal battles over rights and usage. This reality brings to light a stark choice: secure your trademark now at a reasonable cost, or face the possibility of sinking into an expensive quagmire of trademark litigation later. The clock is ticking, and the time to act is now. Secure your brand's legacy and ensure its standing in the marketplace with our expert trademark registration services. Don't let your brand's future hang in the balance; protect it immediately to build on solid ground. 

Different kinds of trademarks

  • Common trademark
  • Multi-class trademark
  • Collective trademark
  • Certification trademark
  • Series trademarks
  • Well known trademark

Trademark Search services

Would you build a branded product or logo which you cant protect ?

        All kinds of names cannot be registered as Trademark. Get Trademark registrablity expert opinion from Trademark Attorneys with experience. Know as to whether you could register the name you have selected. 

Would you sell a brand which will infringe upon the IP rights of another company and invite trouble ?

       Get a Freedom To Operate Trademark Search opinion from Trademark Attorneys with experience before launching your product in a particular market.

Can I trademark a logo?

Yes, logos can be trademarked as they serve as a visual representation of your brand.

How to select a distinctive Trademark?

Your trademark is the most important asset your business will ever own. A good trademark will distinguish you from the competition and help you stand out in a crowd. A poor trademark will entangle you in legal disputes and blunt your marketing efforts. When you are ready to launch a new product or service and are thinking about selecting a new trademark, please follow these simple guidelines.

1. Avoid trademarks that cannot be registered.

There is no point in investing in a trademark that you cannot protect. Registering the mark protects it from competitors, ensures your ownership rights in the mark, and makes it easier to enforce your rights against copy cats i.e. Marks already been registered by others for the same services. As you will read below, certain types of words are inherently difficult to register and should be avoided.

2. Avoid purely descriptive words.

Words that describe the nature or quality of the goods or services sold with the mark are not permitted to be registered. Hence, the mark “Cold Beer” for use with malt beverages cannot be registered because it describes the actual product being sold. If registered, it would prevent anyone from using the terms Cold and Beer to describe their malt beverage. Eg. Prime coat for paints, Food world for Restaurant. Descriptive terms cannot receive Trademark Registration unless, over a period of years, the terms have acquired a special, identifiable meaning in the minds of the public Eg. Surya lights, Reliance

3. Avoid surnames.

Surnames trademarks should be avoided as many people may have the same surname. The mark “Wilson Power Boats”, for instance, is a poor choice for a trademark because the word Wilson is a surname (and the rest of the mark is descriptive). However, some Family names would make it distinctive. You can register such names if they have become distinguishable due to long and substantive user

4. Avoid confusing trademarks.

A trademark that is confusingly similar to a registered trademark cannot be registered. Hence, the mark "Nutriesol" cannot be registered if the trademark "Nutrisole" has already been registered for a similar type of product. A search of the Indian Trademark database is a good idea.

5. Avoid generic words.

The goal is to select a trademark that is as unique and distinctive as possible; therefore, avoid generic words. Examples of generic terms include “green, superior, Indian, Kerala, deluxe, gold, premium, quality and a plethora of others. These words are generic and if you incorporate them into your trademark, you ensure that you blend into the crowd, not stand out in front of it. You will have to disclaim such words while registering a Trademark.

6. Avoid TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) and numbers.

IBM, CTV, and ATT are distinctive trademarks because their respective owners poured tens of millions of dollars into making the marks famous. Even a poor trademark can be made famous if you throw enough money at it. But acronyms are intrinsically difficult to remember, while words, especially colorful words, are easily remembered. Hence "ELS Software Solutions" is not as memorable as "Volcanic." Likewise, avoid using numbers in a trademark as they tend to be less memorable. Furthermore, there are a limited number of unused acronyms available, so there is an excellent chance that your TLA will be confused with someone else's.

7. Avoid Suggestive marks

A "Suggestive" mark is one that merely suggests some quality or characteristic of the services. If the mark is determined to be suggestive, and non-descriptive, the mark is entitled to Trademark Registration and to the same protection as a "distinctive" mark. However, the Suggestive marks are very weak, in that they often do not provide the owner with the ability to stop others from using marks which are very similar to similar goods, or even identical on different goods.

8. Avoid Famous names

Avoid famous and popular trademarks. Some names are prohibited from being registered at the Trademark registry. Eg. Philips, Bajaj, Telco, Volvo, Omega, Rado, etc..

9. Prohibited Marks

Avoid marks which are prohibited Swami Vivekananda, ISO, Interpol, Aldrin, Balaji, National, Nehru, etc..

10. Use invented words.

Invented words are words that do not exist in any language, apart from your trademark. Examples include Spandex, Exxon, Kodak, Viagra, and several other famous trademarks. Invented words are a good choice for use as trademarks because they are not descriptive and they tend to be quite distinctive. You can create an invented word by simply combining parts of other words. For example, Microsoft is a combination of “Microcomputer” and “software.”

11. Try animal or plant names.

Animal and plant names tend to be quite memorable and, if used appropriately, can convey a good image while still being distinctive. Apple Computers, Tiger Balm, and Ford Mustang are good examples.

12. Finally, make sure that the first word in your trademark is as distinctive as possible.

It is often necessary to add descriptive words to the trademark in order to convey what is being sold or marketed in association with the mark. If generic words must be included then it is doubly important to ensure that the first word of the mark is as distinctive and unique as possible.

The following are some trademarks that are strong because they are not descriptive of their product:

  • Apple for computers
  • Rolex for watches
  • Nike for trainers

For marketing purposes, you may want to link a fanciful or suggestive mark with a word or phrase describing your product or service, i.e. Kodak Film, so that your customers do not have to guess about what you are offering. But this is far better than choosing a descriptive mark that has great potential for conflict with other descriptive marks and that will never be granted broad legal protection. Taking this approach is likely to save you lots of money in attorney's fees and many problems down the road. Once you have selected one or more marks, we will be happy to help you search them and register them.

Registrablity of an existing descriptive, similar, or generic mark shall depend upon several factors like a user, goodwill earned, popularity, etc. An experienced Trademark Attorney would be able to help you in overcoming the obstacles and register the same.

How long does the trademark registration process take in India?

  • The current time frame for getting registration in case of straight forward applications ( Coined/Rare name is around 6-7 months).
  • It may take around 1 years and more if the application encounters objection
  • And more than 2-4 years if it encounters Opposition from an interested third party after Journal publication.

As registration of a trademark in India is time-consuming due to the heavy backlog of applications it is advisable to start using the mark after an application for trademark registration is made. An application will put a claim to proprietorship of the mark even if it is only proposed to be used. You may use the letters TM or SM very near to your trademark from the date of application this will indicate that you have taken steps to protect your trademark. Start marking your territory today; let your trademark journey with us be the beacon that guides your brand to unparalleled heights.

When can I use ® ?

It is an illegal to use ® unless your Trademark or Service mark is registered and a registration certificate has been issued by the Trademark Registry, Government of India.

When can I use TM or SM?

You may use the letters TM or SM very near to your trademark from the date of application this will indicate that you have taken steps to protect your trademark. It will also increase the credibility of the goods or services represented by your brand or trade name.

Our company name is registered under the Companies Act or with the Registrar of firms hence is it necessary to register Trademark

Unlock the Ultimate Protection for Your Brand with Trademark Registration! In the dynamic business world, merely registering your company under the Companies Act or with the Registrar of Firms isn’t enough to safeguard your unique identity. Your brand is your promise to your customer—it distinguishes you in a crowded marketplace and embodies your company’s values, integrity, and reputation. Registration of your company or firm is for making your company a legal entity and name search is conducted only among the LLP's or companies already registered as Pvt. Ltd or as Limited Liability Partnership(LLP). There is a possibility that a Proprietorship concern or a Partnership concern will use it as there is no bar to such use. It would be risky, difficult, and expensive for you to prove that you actually used the mark. Therefore, it is always better to register your marks at the earliest. Even prior to using the mark or logo you can file your application as ‘Proposed to be used’ as registration expenses are reasonable and affordable to all.

What is the validity period of a registered Trademark in India / Trademark renewal in India

Trademark once registered is valid for 10 years from the date of application and it can renewed indefinitely for additional 10 year periods. Trademark renewal can be done up to 1 year from the date of renewal by payment of the necessary surcharges or fine.

How can I renew my trademark registration?

You can file a renewal application with the Trademark Registry six months before the expiry of the trademark’s validity period.

Can a Trademark be registered for any type of goods and services classified under various categories ?

Yes, trademarks can be registered for a wide range of goods and services classified under various categories or classes 1 to 45.

What are the grounds for Trademark rejection?

Trademarks can be rejected if they are not distinctive, are descriptive, are generic, or are likely to cause confusion with existing trademarks.

Can I use a trademark before it is registered?

Yes, you can use a trademark before registration, but registration provides legal protection against infringement. You can claim damages for the loss incurred if your mark is registered and can procure a permanent injunction order against the infringer.

What is the difference between a TM and ® symbols?

TM signifies an unregistered trademark, while ® signifies a registered trademark.

How do I check whether my trademark is already  registered?

You can conduct a trademark search on the Indian Trademark Registry’s website to check for existing trademarks. If you have the application number you check status of your on the Indian Trademark Registry’s website.

What can I do if my trademark is already registered by a competitor?

If a similar or identical trademark is registered by a subsequent user you have the right to initiate rectification/cancellation action against your competitor. You also have the right to initiate a civil (passing off action) and criminal action against your competitor who is violating your mark in India. It is ideal to apply for TM application prior to initiating any invalidation proceedings

What are the advantages of being a prior user?

Priority in adoption and use prevails over priority in registration by a subsequent user

Can I apply a Trademark for a brand or name which is proposed to be used in future?

Under the Indian trademark law, you may file an application with the user date as 'Proposed to be used' however you must have a bona-fide intention to use it in the future in respect of your goods or services. An applicant can claim rights from the date of filing such an application.

Can I apply multi-class application?

Yes. You have the option to file one application for different goods and services under various classes.

Can I register the same trademark or logo under the same class of goods in Black & white as well as Colour?

Yes. You may register the same trademark in black color as word mark or with artistic work and in color.

Does the mere filing of any Trademark confer any rights on the applicant?

The mere filing of a TM applicant does not confer such rights. Only on registration of the mark an applicant can claim exclusive right over his mark and can claim any damages in case of infringement. An applicant should continuously and consistently use the mark to claim proprietary rights over the mark.

Is the trans-border reputation of a foreign trademark recognized in India?

The trans border reputation of a foreign well-known brand is recognized in India by the Trademark Office, High courts, and the Supreme court due to the increasing globalization of trade and industry. No distinction is made between foreign and Indian trademarks by the Indian Trademarks Act. An advertisement and report regarding product launch in India are sufficient to establish the user in India.

Can I make corrections to the TM application already filed or to the Register of Trademarks?

The basic principle is that trademark once applied for should not be substantially altered affecting its identity. Some changes can be made subject to the Trademark rules.

What happens if a TM application is opposed?

You can respond to the opposition by filing counter, providing evidence and arguments in favor of your trademark’s registration.

What is Trademark infringement?

Trademark infringement occurs when a party uses a mark that is identical or confusingly similar to a registered trademark, without permission.

What is the penalty for infringement of Trademarks?

Apart from an injunction preventing further use of the mark penalty prescribed under criminal law for selling or providing services under a false trademark is a minimum of six months and a maximum of three years with a fine, not less than Rupees fifty thousand up to Rupees two lakhs. Moreover, the court can also order confiscation of infringing goods, packets, covers, brochures, etc.

Can a proprietor of an unregistered trademark initiate legal action against a duplicator or subsequent user?

The proprietor of an unregistered mark may file a civil suit for passing off on the basis of the prior user. Further, he can also lodge a criminal complaint against the infringers.

Copyright registration of Trademarks in India with Artistic work, Characters

To register Copyright in a Trademark, trade name, or mark with a particular Artistic work/label/Logo design/ mascot / you need to get a No Objection Certificate from TM Registry and file a Copyright application

Can I entrust a TM application already filed through another to ZwapAll’s care?

There are several consultants and lawyers who offer to file applications at cheap rates having no knowledge, experience, or intention to prosecute the same properly until registration. To register a trademark in this highly competitive environment skill and experience of qualified Trademark attorneys are required. An applicant is free to entrust his trademark application to anyone he wishes by providing a fresh Power of Authorisation. We can takeover the matter midway and prosecute the same till registration is granted. We are also providing Intellectual Property portfolio management services and this helps you to manage all kinds of intellectual property assets at one place.

Normally when does a client entrust a TM application already filed through another to ZwapAll’s care?

  • When their mark got ABANDONED due lack of proper advise and prosecution
  • When their mark got REFUSED due to improper prosecution due to lack of expertise
  • When an applicant does not get proper updates or responses to their queries from their TM Agent/TM Attorney
  • When an applicant finds out that their mark is not properly prosecuted by their agent. For eg. Mark remain in Formalities check fail status without timely action, No response is filed to their objected Trademark within One month
  • When an applicant finds out that their mark is filed and prosecuted through a third party with whom they have no contact
  • When an applicant finds out that their prior agent cannot support them with countering third party opposition due to lack of expertise
  • When an applicant finds out that their prior agents are not authorized TM Agents or TM Attorneys
  • When an applicant finds out that their prior agents cannot support them with national and international registrations in their future growth stages. 

Tips on Trademark management

The term Intellectual Property Management may mean different things to different people. However, it is the judicious and effective exploitation of Intellectual Property rights or IPR to maximize profits and enhance competitive positions.

For managing intellectual property a company should adopt the following five steps like

  • Clearly understanding what comprises Intellectual property
  • Understanding the valuation of your IP assets
  • Understand where IP is utilized
  • Understand how IP is utilized
  • Optimization of commercial exploitation.

Zwapall Innovations Pvt. Ltd. is one of the best intellectual property service providers in India which provides IP legal consultancy relating to the protection of intellectual property rights, advice on intellectual property law, intellectual property management to companies, and individuals. This intellectual property firm also provides advice to intellectual property law firms from other parts of the world regarding IP laws in India. Zwapall Innovations Pvt. Ltd. commits to transforming your Intellectual Property into your most profitable and competitive advantage. Partner with us for advice that resonates with global expertise and local insights, making your IP journey in India and beyond an unequivocal success

Brand Monetization services

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Intellectual Property with Zwapall Innovations Pvt Ltd - Your Premier IP Service Provider in India. We help you sell, license or franchise your Registered trademarks. We are in the process of launching the updated version of the world's first Intellectual property marketplace by name Zwapall. We can sell your unused or pre loved registered brand names to potential customers who are looking for secured brand names for their business.

  • Trademark registration in Kochi/Cochin
  • Trademark registration in Ernakulam
  • Trademark registration in Thiruvananthapuram/Trivandrum
  • Trademark registration in Kollam
  • Trademark registration in Kottayam
  • Trademark registration in Pathanamthitta
  • Trademark registration in Alleppey/Alapuzha
  • Trademark registration in Thrissur/Trichur
  • Trademark registration in Malappuram
  • Trademark registration in Kozhikode/Calicut
  • Trademark registration in Wayanad
  • Trademark registration in Palakkad/Palghat
  • Trademark registration in Kannur
  • Trademark registration in Kasargode
  • Trademark registration in Idukki
  • Trademark registration in Perambra
  • Trademark registration in Kovalam
  • Trademark registration in Munnar

  • Trademark registration in Bangalore
  • Trademark registration in Mangalore
  • Trademark registration in Bengaluru Urban
  • Trademark registration in Bengaluru Rural
  • Trademark registration in Peenya
  • Trademark registration in Belgavi
  • Trademark registration in Channapatna
  • Trademark registration in Chikkaballapur
  • Trademark registration in Chitradurga
  • Trademark registration in Davanagere
  • Trademark registration in Kolar
  • Trademark registration in Ramanagara
  • Trademark registration in Shivamogga
  • Trademark registration in Tumakuru
  • Trademark registration in Bagalkot
  • Trademark registration in Belagavi
  • Trademark registration in Vijayapura
  • Trademark registration in Dharwad
  • Trademark registration in Gadag
  • Trademark registration in Haveri
  • Trademark registration in Uttara Kannada
  • Trademark registration in Ballari
  • Trademark registration in Bidar
  • Trademark registration in Kalaburagi
  • Trademark registration in Koppal
  • Trademark registration in Raichur
  • Trademark registration in Yadgir
  • Trademark registration in Chamarajanagar
  • Trademark registration in Chikkamagaluru
  • Trademark registration in Dakshina Kannada
  • Trademark registration in Hassan
  • Trademark registration in Kodagu
  • Trademark registration in Mandya
  • Trademark registration in Mysuru
  • Trademark registration in Udupi
  • Trademark registration in Coorg

  • Trade mark registration in Rajahmundry
  • Trade mark registration in Visakhapatam
  • Trade mark registration in Vijaywada
  • Trade mark registration in Anantapur
  • Trademark registration in Chittoor
  • Trade mark registration in Kakinada, East Godavari
  • Trade mark registration in Guntur
  • Trademark registration in Kadapa, YSR Kadapa
  • Trade mark registration in Machalipatnam, Krishna
  • Trade mark registration in Nellore
  • Trademark registration in Ongole, Prakasam
  • Trade mark registration in Srikakulam
  • Trade mark registration in Eluru, West Godawari
  • Trademark registration in Hyderabad

  • Trademark registration in Adilabad
  • Trademark registration in BhadradriKothagudam
  • Trademark registration in KomaramBheemAsifabad
  • Trademark registration in Jangaon
  • Trademark registration in Medak
  • Trademark registration in Medchal
  • Trademark registration in Nalgonda
  • Trademark registration in Nizamabad
  • Trademark registration in Siddipet
  • Trademark registration in Peddapalli
  • Trademark registration in Suryapet
  • Trademark registration in SangaReddy
  • Trademark registration in Vikarabad
  • Trademark registration in YadadriBhuvanagiri
  • Trademark registration in Hyderabad
  • Trademark registration in RangaReddy
  • Trademark registration in RajannaSircilla
  • Trademark registration in Nirmal
  • Trademark registration in Mancherial
  • Trademark registration in Mahabub Nagar
  • Trademark registration in Karim Nagar
  • Trademark registration in KamaReddy
  • Trademark registration in Mahabubabad
  • Trademark registration in Jagityal
  • Trademark registration in Khammam
  • Trademark registration in Jaishankarbhupalpally
  • Trademark registration in Nagarkarnool
  • Trademark registration in Wanaparthy
  • Trademark registration in Warangal(Rural)
  • Trademark registration in Warangal(Urban)
  • Trademark registration in Jogulamba Gadwal

  • Trademark registration in Chennai
  • Trademark registration in Coimbatore
  • Trademark registration in Madurai
  • Trademark registration in Hosur
  • Trademark registration in Ambur
  • Trademark registration in Sivakasi
  • Trademark registration in Tiruppur
  • Trademark registration in Tiruchirappally
  • Trademark registration in Ranipet
  • Trademark registration in Dindigul
  • Trademark registration in Erode
  • Trademark registration in Cuddalore
  • Trademark registration in Dharmapuri
  • Trademark registration in Nagapattinam
  • Trademark registration in Namakkal
  • Trademark registration in Perambalur
  • Trademark registration in Pudukottai
  • Trademark registration in Ramanathapuram
  • Trademark registration in Salem
  • Trademark registration in Sivagangai
  • Trademark registration in Thanjavur
  • Trademark registration in Theni
  • Trademark registration in Nilgiris
  • Trademark registration in Ooty
  • Trademark registration in Thirunelveli
  • Trademark registration in Thiruvallur
  • Trademark registration in Thiruvannamalai
  • Trademark registration in Thiruvarur
  • Trademark registration in Thoothukudi
  • Trademark registration in Tiruppur
  • Trademark registration in Vellore
  • Trademark registration in Villupuram
  • Trademark registration in Virudhunagar
  • Trademark registration in Ariyalur
  • Trademark registration in Kancheepuram
  • Trademark registration in Kanniyakumari
  • Trademark registration in Karur
  • Trade mark registration in Krishnagiri
  • Trade mark registration in Kallakkurichi
  • Trade mark registration in Thenkasi
  • Trade mark registration in Chengalpattu
  • Trade mark registration in Ranipet
  • Trade mark registration in Thirupattur(N)
  • Trademark registration in Kodaikanal

  • Trademark registration in New Delhi

  • Trademark registration in Lucknow
  • Trademark registration in Kanpur
  • Trademark registration in Ghaziabad
  • Trademark registration in Gajraula
  • Trademark registration in Sri City
  • Trademark registration in Agra
  • Trademark registration in Meerut
  • Trademark registration in Varanasi
  • Trademark registration in Aligarh
  • Trademark registration in Prayagraj
  • Trademark registration in Bareilly
  • Trademark registration in Moradabad
  • Trademark registration in Sharanpur
  • Trademark registration in Gorakhpur
  • Trademark registration in Ayodhya
  • Trademark registration in Firozabad
  • Trademark registration in Jhansi
  • Trademark registration in Muzaffarnagar
  • Trademark registration in Mathura
  • Trademark registration in Budaun
  • Trademark registration in Rampur
  • Trademark registration in Shahjahanpur
  • Trademark registration in Farrukhabad
  • Trademark registration in Mau, Maunath Bhanjan
  • Trademark registration in Hapur
  • Trademark registration in Gautam Buddh Nagar
  • Trademark registration in Mirzapur
  • Trademark registration in Etawah
  • Trademark registration in Bulandshahr
  • Trademark registration in Amroha
  • Trademark registration in Hardoi
  • Trademark registration in Fatehpur
  • Trade mark registration in Raebareli
  • Trade mark registration in Bahraich
  • Trade mark registration in Ghaziabad
  • Trade mark registration in Unnao
  • Trade mark registration in Jaunpur
  • Trade mark registration in Jajmau
  • Trademark registration in Lalitpur
  • Trademark registration in Deoria
  • Trademark registration in Basti
  • Trademark registration in Sambhal
  • Trademark registration in Ambedkarnagar
  • Trademark registration in Unnao
  • Trademark registration in Jaunpur
  • Trademark registration in Lalitpur
  • Trademark registration in Etah
  • Trademark registration in Ballia
  • Trademark registration in Shamli
  • Trademark registration in Hathras
  • Trademark registration in Lakhimpur
  • Trademark registration in Banda
  • Trademark registration in Mainpuri
  • Trademark registration in Sultanpur
  • Trademark registration in Azamgarh
  • Trademark registration in Bijnor
  • Trademark registration in Pilibhit
  • Trademark registration in Chandauli
  • Trademark registration in Barabanki
  • Trademark registration in Gonda
  • Trademark registration in Kasganj
  • Trademark registration in Sahaswan
  • Trademark registration in Ujhani

  • Trademark registration in Mumbai
  • Trademark registration in Pune
  • Trademark registration in Nagpur
  • Trademark registration in Nashik
  • Trademark registration in Pimpri-Chinchwad
  • Trademark registration in Vasai-Virar,Palghar
  • Trademark registration in Aurangabad
  • Trademark registration in Ichalkaranji
  • Trademark registration in Solapur
  • Trademark registration in Amravati
  • Trademark registration in Jalgaon
  • Trademark registration in Kolhapur
  • Trademark registration in Nanded
  • Trademark registration in Sangli
  • Trademark registration in Akola
  • Trademark registration in Latur
  • Trademark registration in Dhule
  • Trademark registration in Ahmednagar
  • Trademark registration in Miraj,Sangli
  • Trademark registration in Chandrapur
  • Trademark registration in Parbhani
  • Trademark registration in Jalna
  • Trademark registration in Bhusawal
  • Trademark registration in Navi Mumbai
  • Trademark registration in Panvel
  • Trademark registration in Satara
  • Trademark registration in Beed
  • Trademark registration in Yavatmal
  • Trademark registration in Kamptee
  • Trademark registration in Gondia
  • Trademark registration in Barshi
  • Trademark registration in Achalpur
  • Trademark registration in Osmanabad
  • Trademark registration in Nan durbar
  • Trademark registration in Wardha
  • Trademark registration in Udgir, Latur
  • Trademark registration in Hinganghat, Wardha

  • Trademark registration in Ahmedabad/Ahmadabad
  • Trademark registration in Vadodara
  • Trademark registration in Rajkot
  • Trademark registration in Ahmednagar
  • Trademark registration in Surat
  • Trademark registration in Chittaranjan
  • Trademark registration in Bharuch Ankleshwar
  • Trademark registration in Bhavnagar
  • Trademark registration in Jamnagar
  • Trademark registration in Junagadh
  • Trademark registration in Anand
  • Trademark registration in Navsari
  • Trademark registration in Morbi
  • Trademark registration in Gandhidham
  • Trademark registration in Nadiad
  • Trademark registration in Surendranagar
  • Trademark registration in Bharuch
  • Trademark registration in Porbandar
  • Trademark registration in Surat
  • Trademark registration in Bhavnagar
  • Trademark registration in Jamnagar
  • Trademark registration in Junagadh
  • Trademark registration in Valsad
  • Trademark registration in Vadodara
  • Trademark registration in The Dangs
  • Trademark registration in Patan
  • Trademark registration in Sabarkantha
  • Trademark registration in Panchmahals
  • Trademark registration in Mehesana/mehsana
  • Trademark registration in Dohad
  • Trademark registration in Kheda
  • Trademark registration in Kachchh
  • Trademark registration in Banas kantha
  • Trademark registration in Amreli

  • Trademark registration in Kolkata
  • Trademark registration in Durgapur
  • Trademark registration in Haldia
  • Trademark registration in Darjeeling
  • Trademark registration in Titagarh
  • Trademark registration in Kharagpur
  • Trademark registration in Rupnarayanpur

  • Trademark registration in Indore
  • Trademark registration in Pithampur
  • Trademark registration in Panna
  • Trademark registration in Nepanagar
  • Trademark registration in Gwalior

  • Trademark registration in Jamshedpur
  • Trademark registration in Bokara Steel city
  • Trademark registration in Haridwar
  • Trademark registration in Singhbhum

  • Trademark registration in Gurugram
  • Trademark registration in Faridabad
  • Trademark registration in Panipat
  • Trademark registration in Pinjore

  • Trademark registration in Rourkela
  • Trademark registration in Angul
  • Trademark registration in Bhubaneswar
  • Trademark registration in Cuttack

  • Trademark registration in Raipur
  • Trademark registration in Raigarh
  • Trademark registration in Bhilai
  • Trademark registration in Korba
  • Trademark registration in Durg
  • Trademark registration in Bilaspur

  • Trademark registration in Rudrapur
  • Trademark registration in Kashipur
  • Trademark registration in Dehradun
  • Trademark registration in Roorkee
  • Trademark registration in Kotdwara
  • Trademark registration in Haridwar

  • Trademark registration in Margoa
  • Trademark registration in Panaji
  • Trademark registration in Tiswadi
  • Trademark registration in Salcete
  • Trademark registration in Ponda
  • Trademark registration in Bardez
  • Trademark registration in Bicholim
  • Trademark registration in Mormugoa

  • Trademark registration in Guwahati
  • Trademark registration in Dispur
  • Trademark registration in Silchar
  • Trademark registration in Nalbari
  • Trademark registration in Diboi
  • Trademark registration in Dibrugarh
  • Trademark registration in Naharkatia
  • Trademark registration in Tezpur
  • Trademark registration in Jorhat

  • Trademark registration in Patna
  • Trademark registration in Gaya
  • Trademark registration in Bhagalpur
  • Trademark registration in Muzaffarpur
  • Trademark registration in Purnia
  • Trademark registration in Dharbhanga
  • Trademark registration in Bihar Sharif
  • Trademark registration in Madhepura
  • Trademark registration in Ara / Arrah
  • Trademark registration in Begusarai
  • Trademark registration in Katihar
  • Trademark registration in Chapra
  • Trademark registration in Munger/ Monghyr
  • Trademark registration in Sahasra
  • Trademark registration in Bettiah
  • Trademark registration in Hajipur
  • Trademark registration in Sasaram
  • Trademark registration in Dehri
  • Trademark registration in Siwan
  • Trademark registration in Motihari
  • Trademark registration in Nawada
  • Trademark registration in Bagaha
  • Trademark registration in Buxar
  • Trademark registration in Sitamarhi
  • Trademark registration in Kishanganj
  • Trademark registration in Jamalpur

  • Trademark registration in Jaipur
  • Trademark registration in Jodhpur
  • Trademark registration in Kota
  • Trademark registration in Bikaner
  • Trademark registration in Ajmer
  • Trademark registration in Udaipur
  • Trademark registration in Bhilwara
  • Trademark registration in Alwar
  • Trademark registration in Bharatpur
  • Trademark registration in Khetri
  • Trademark registration in Pali
  • Trademark registration in Sikar
  • Trademark registration in Sri Ganganagar

  • Trademark registration in Ludhiana
  • Trademark registration in Chandigarh
  • Trademark registration in Jalandhar
  • Trademark registration in Bathinda
  • Trademark registration in Patiala
  • Trademark registration in Mohali
  • Trademark registration in Dhariwal
  • Trademark registration in Nangal

  • Trademark registration in Baddi
  • Trademark registration in Shimla
  • Trademark registration in Solan
  • Trademark registration in Dharmasala
  • Trademark registration in Nohan
  • Trademark registration in Mandi
  • Trademark registration in Sundarnagar
  • Trademark registration in Chamba
  • Trademark registration in Kullu
  • Trademark registration in Paonta Sahib
  • Trademark registration in Jadwal
  • Trademark registration in Jawalmukhi

  • Trademark registration in Dimapur
  • Trademark registration in Kohima
  • Trademark registration in Mokokchung

  • Trademark registration in Aizawl
  • Trademark registration in Serchhip

  • Trademark registration in Itanagar
  • Trademark registration in Ruksin

  • Trademark registration in Gangtok

  • Trademark registration in Shillong

  • Trademark registration in Agartala
  • Trademark registration in Kailashahar

Trademark Offices:

  • Trademark office Ahmedabad:

    Registrar of Trade Marks,
    Trademarks Registrar,
    15/27, National Chambers, 1stfloor,
    Ashram Road, Ahmedabad 380009

  • Trademark office Chennai:

    Registrar of Trade Marks.
    Trademarks Registry,
    Intellectual Property Office Building,
    G.S.T. Road, Guindy, Chennai-600032

  • Trademark office Kolkata:

    Registrar of Trade Marks,
    Trademarks Registrar,
    Intellectual Property Office Building,
    CP-2 Sector V, Salt Lake City,

  • Trademark office Mumbai:

    Registrar of Trade Marks,
    Trademarks Registry
    Boudhik Sampada Bhawan, Antop Hill,
    S. M. Road, Mumbai - 400 037

  • Trademark office New Delhi:

    Registrar of Trade Marks,
    Trademarks Registrar,
    Intellectual Property Office Building,
    Plot No. 32, Sector 14, Dwarka,
    New Delhi-110075

Please send in your Queries

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9207099990, 8089046664 or